On Dec 29th, my Jones relatives organized a get together so everyone who hadn't already could get to know Sarah. This doubled as a baby shower in which we ate great cake and received generous gifts to help us get ready for our baby girl. Thank you so much! Two nights later we got back together for a New Years Eve party in which we acted out a murder mystery that had taken place at a 1955 high school reunion. As you can tell by the photos, we had LOTS of fun! Everyone was assigned roles to play, from the being the bookish type, to the jocks, hot rod lovers, homecoming queen and the posh. More than anything, this night was a celebration of being together and laughing, which my Grandma says we haven't been able to do much of this year as we've dealt with her breast cancer. With the recent news that it had gone into remission, we were able to let loose and have lots of fun.

After we confirmed that Wes and Lindsay had done the murder, we cut lose and celebrated the new year! We watched Grandpa win a close boxing match on wii, watched the ball drop in Times Square (pretending there was no time difference), and made lots of noise!

The next morning we had a great breakfast together: