Monday, September 10, 2007

Sunday Drama

Our friends the Vaiseys came down on Sunday afternoon to hang out. We ended up re-enacting scripture stories with the kids. As you can see we had a blast! Can you guess the story? It's Mary and Joseph traveling by Donkey. Rebekah was the inn keeper and I was the angel that talked to the shepherds. I took some creative liberty to assume the angel was also paying attention as they traveled. I think I look more like I'm about attack...

Dinner with the Verbiest family

We had a great dinner with Sarah Verbiest and her family a couple weekends ago. She's a classmate in my mom's doctoral program and we were so grateful for their hospitality and generosity. As you can see, we had a blast! Sarah and Kylie had come to NY with their friend to visit the American Girl story in midtown. At that time Kylie pronounced me "the coolest guy ever," so you can imagine I enjoyed having her around again. I was quickly replaced by Sarah (my wife) who turns out to be even cooler.

Welcome home!

We thought you might enjoy a little tour of our home...Ca y est! on est installés dans notre petit appartement!

Sunday, September 2, 2007


In case you guys think that this is just a Disney, we eat it regularly here! it IS a peaseant dish- and really isn't that fancy- but I LOVE IT!

la nouvelle vie de Sarah

Comme je ne peux pas travailler aux Etats-Unis pour l'instant, j'ai du m'adapter à un rythme de vie beaucoup plus lent que celui de l'urgence! C'était un peu dur au début...mais je commence à me faire à ces vacances prolongées!

Je me suis inscrite comme auditrice dans un cours de communication ...j'aime beaucoup ce que j'apprends- en plus c'est utile! ( qui n'a pas besoin d'améliorer ses relations?). Comme ça je suis occupée 2 matinées par semaine! Après ça, je passe par le complexe sportif de l'universtité- auquel j'ai acces à prix réduit puisque mon mari est étudiant. J"aime particulièrement leur piscines...mais on peut faire de tout!

Au cas ou vous vous demandez ce que je fais du reste de mes journées.... je me suis trouvé de nouveaux amis: la famille Vaisey. Rebekah et Steve ont 3 adorables enfants ( Dehlia-6ans, Milo-4 ans, Eloïse-1an et demi) et attendent leur 4ième bientôt. Ils me rappellent Guillaume et Estelle et sont tellement drôles!