I don't know if she likes sleeping on me compared to her bed, but I prefer it!
Sarah's mom is in town and has been a tremendous help.
Kerrie and Sarah have made slings to carry Olivia in; I'm pretty sure she likes them because she sleeps the whole time she's in them.
Her first bath. Believe it or not, she really seemed to like it. She was sleepy enough that we basically had to wake her up for the bath, but she never complained.
She spends a lot of her non-bed time hanging out in this chair. She's such an easy going child, that even when she wakes up she basically just sits there and watches the world. She'll cry when she's ready to eat, but other than that, she's not fussy at all.
Here's mommy and Olivia on day 2 looking as beautiful as ever. Many thanks to our good friend Amy for this wonderful wrap. I've enjoyed being able to carry her close to me, as has Sarah.
A cute picture above and a cute video below: